Shifting Pain into Purpose - Angel 14 Always!

Shifting Pain into Purpose... 

Losing our sweet Dylan has truly been the HARDEST experience that my family has been through. My husband (Dante) lost his mother in September in 2023 followed by his son in November, a lot for any man to carry. My other two children lost their sweet Grandmother, who was a pillar in their lives since birth and then their beloved brother…as my oldest (Dante-2) refers to Dylan as a little brother he looked up to and (DuVall) losing his little brother and best friend in one. I lost my son, my baby boy, a piece of my heart, a part of my joy, one of best, one of the kindest and funniest people I’ve ever known...all creating a SHIFT in our purpose. 

 At times the pain was and still is unbearable, which makes each of our PURPOSES in life even more important than ever! We each strive to be the best humans that we can with God ordering our steps and guiding us to the vision that he has for us. We see life differently, through the eyes of grief, through hearts that feel pain, but my Lord, do we carry life with purpose! A purpose that will forever HONOR Jacob Dylan Jones by helping other…that’s what Dylan did. We now have a powerful purpose, to NEVER allow him to be forgotten and a purpose to continue to create memories that include him. Know your purpose, even if it’s through a painful time in your life, allow your pain to fuel your purpose…FOREVER and ALWAYS our Angel 14.
By Yasmen Brown-Jones January 14, 2025
January 14th, 2025, is the beginning of the new year, but all I can think about is that today marks exactly 800 days since November 6th 2022 and since I lost my baby boy, Jacob Dylan Jones. Although 800 days might not be a lot in the span of a lifetime, it's been a lifetime for me and my grief as Dylan's Mama. We all miss him so very much and although I've had time since his departure on the side of heaven, it's still hard to believe that he's not walking this space with me and his family. What I have learned in these past 800 days is that grief is an individual journey, and a process. I’ve learned that as a Mama I will always MISS MY SON, it's been 800 days of unbearable pain that changes you. What I've learned is that I now have a dividing line in my life, the before losing Dylan and the after. I've always considered myself to depend on God and praying to him for guidance and direction throughout my life, but now I have an even different walk with him. I depend on him more than I ever have before…sometimes my prayers are just to get through another day, or just to be able to take in air and breathe. What I have learned over these past 800 days is that God must consider me very special. Yes, even through my pain, I can still feel him with me and consider myself blessed in so many ways. I know that without God, I would not have been able to make it through these past 800 days. What I have learned is that my job here on earth, and even when I get to heaven, must be awfully special because I know that God wouldn't have me endure so much without having special plans for me. Yes, it's been 800 days of missing my baby boy and but also 800 days of continuing to bloom into the person that I'm supposed to be. Through grief, growth, heartache and healing, I press on for the mark designed just for me and to receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling me. I ask God for constant direction and guidance along my journey and to somehow use the next 800 days to make me even better, and to help prepare me for my true assignment. I miss you Jacob Dylan Jones, and I always will. I also see the past 800 days as being that much closer to seeing you again in heaven one day. We will LOVE YOU ALWAYS…my sweet Angel14 Mama❤️
By Rochelle Lee August 14, 2024
A Salute to Caregivers Caregiver, God is your safe place, your refuge, and your security in times when you don’t know if you have anything left to give. I pray that these Bible verses and words of encouragement blesses you today and the days to come. You may read this during a time when you are feeling helpless, hopeless, overwhelmed with negative emotions, resentment, physical fatigue, sleep deprivation, or sleep disorder. I pray this verse over you Matthew 11:28-29, NIV “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Caregiving means one dies to self without expecting anything in return, but you must take care of yourself physically as well, and sometimes lean into love that you did not know was possible. The heart is the foundation of love and compassion from which care is molded, created, and offered. I Timothy 6:20-21, NIV “Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to your care. Turn away from godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge, which some have professed and in so doing have wandered from the faith. Grace be with you.” As a caregiver I have more than ever depended on God’s word to get me through every step of my day to avoid depression and anxiety these two things will raise the risk for personal health problems. I rise early in the morning and command my day with God and His word, I speak to what ever mountain that tries to get in my way with Praise and Worship, I will not be defeated by fear of asking for help, burnout, being disorganized, stressed, or a lack of rest. I pray Healing over your mind, body, and soul as you continue to take care of God’s business, Caregiver, He will definitely take care of all your needs. Isaiah 53:5, NIV “But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed.” Rochelle Lee Life Coach
By Yasmen Brown-Jones May 14, 2024
Mothers Day was May 13th 2024 and the second year spent as a Mama of three without my Dylan. The weight is so very heavy but so are the beautiful memories of the most amazing 21-year-old I have ever known! Not just because Dylan was my son but because he was a good human. My heart pounds the months, weeks and days leading up to Mother’s Day. One of the most exciting days to celebrate for me over the years but now one of the hardest. You see, I have LOVED being the Mom for so many years, one of my all-time greatest accomplishments. Being Dylan, DuVall & Dante’s Mama has always been such a beautiful blessing filled with, love and so much joy. As Mother’s Day 2024 draws closer I think even more about my baby boy not being with me, not being here anymore. The loss of a child is nothing a Mother’s heart should ever have to endure. It’s painful, not like any other loss or pain but piercing to the core. Heavy, not just in weight but in all consuming ways that become unbearable at times and only doable with God. Hard to believe that something so joyful (Motherhood) can cause this type of heartbreak. We will miss Dylan FOREVER and will remember the beautiful person that he was. His Spirit is always near, the memories are too many to forget and will forever be cherished and treasured by his parents, family & friends. I will always be a Mom of 3 but now one resides in heaven, making my Mother’s Day celebration Different. My children are the greatest thing I have ever contributed to this world, and I thank God for being their Mom. I never could have imagined that I would loss my child, my Dylan, my caring, courageous, fierce, funny, and loving SonShine, now my Angel 14 FOREVER. On this Mother’s Day I felt the PAIN of losing him but filled with a PURPOSE of making sure he is never forgotten. Jacob Dylan Jones…as long as you are remembered, and we say your name you will be with us forever. MOM
By Minister Rochelle Lee March 14, 2024
HOPE Proverbs 13:12 “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” When realities of life devastate or depress you, remember God is unchanging, faithful, strong, and He is not a man that He would lie. You can always turn to Him when your world feels empty, isolated, overwhelmed, and or hopeless. He is our eternal source of life. Hope is essential for our mental and emotional well-being. I would like to encourage you to stop and write down things that give you hope. You may begin with simple things such as my favorite the beach. For you it may be walking, or perhaps being surrounded by trees, mountains, lakes, or being kind to someone, anything that could shape your attitude or behavior to a peaceful place. Even consider new goals such as healthy living, financial security, educational success, or even stronger family connections. I would like to share two quotes that may encourage you: “We must accept finite disappointments, but never lose infinite hope.” Martin Luther King Jr. “When you’re at the end of your rope, tie a knot and hold on.” Theodore Roosevelt Consider these quotes and look ahead and move past negative thoughts or disappointments, by changing the things you can change and accepting the things you cannot change. Believe and trust God the one that is in control of everything and everyone. He sacrificed His only son on the Cross for us, because of His Agape Love and Promises for each and every one of us regardless of our shortcomings or mistakes. I pray your world will be washed in sunshine; every shadow dispersed by dayspring. Relax, be full of hope, and let your confidence take you to a place of peace and ease. Stay Humble and HOPE! Remembering our Angel 14 (Dylan Jones) FOREVER! Minister Rochelle Lee
By Josh Torres February 14, 2024
As I awake on this Valentine’s Day morning in 2024 my first thoughts are of you and my heart is longing for the love of my sweet Dylan! It's been way too long since I've hugged you, but the memories are with me forever. I miss you…painfully at times, my broken heart sometimes feels like it will never be repaired. As I now navigate life without you, forever different and carrying the weight of a grieving mom, I know that it will always be heavy, BUT GOD will help me learn how to carry it. My heart and entire being longs for you, and I will always cherish the sweet memories and my love for you. Dylan, I have loved you since you were imagined, I felt you grow for nine months before you took your first breath on the side of heaven. I know with all my heart that God is with you and taking care of you while you're waiting to see your Mom, Dad, Dante and DuVall again. I hope you're spending lots of time with Grandma Lucy, MamaJo, both Granddads, Jayden and other family now residing in heaven. I just know you keep everyone on their toes and laughing, just as you did in our home. I'm sure you're still doing the things you loved…running and catching a football. We all miss you Dylan, and the extra love that you brought into our home. I don’t know why I only got 21 years to love you on earth but will love you for eternity. I love you; we love you, just as much as we ever did, and I will never stop being your Mom. I miss you my sweet baby boy and will ALWAYS LOVE YOU…FOREVER. LOVE MAMA~ February 14, 2024 #MYANGEL14FOREVER
By Yasmen Brown-Jones November 15, 2023
Dylan was the definition of Agape love in his earthly walk! He LOVED unconditionally and was the essence of how we should love one another. From a young age he was fiercely competitive and called on God to give him strength and ability in all that he did. He was the biggest fan to his family and friends and would fiercely protect those he loved. He was proud of his siblings and his light was a bright shining to all that met him. The legacy he leaves is the memories for those who knew him, memories of a young man who spread love and joy to all that he came in contact with! As we approach this Holiday Season, please remember my SONshine, Jacob Dylan Jones…PURE LOVE in the form of a 21-year-old soul who was here to show us all what Agape love looked like. Agape love is a sacrificial love that unites and heals. It is the love of God that we see through the cross of Jesus Christ. This love saves and restores humanity in the face of sin and death. “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13
By Minister Rochelle, Chaplain & Life Coach rocwatki October 14, 2023
Blessed is the one who Perseveres under trial because having stood the test that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised. James 1:12 NIV Remember God is your refuge and strength. Rest and be secured under the Shadow of His Wings. He is the light that will guide your feet, and the map that will give you directions. During this season trust and believe when you ask for strength when weak He hears you. God gives love when you feel forsaken, courage when afraid, wisdom when you are filled with doubt and fear, comfort when your heart is broken, and you feel alone. Hope when you feel rejected, and peace when anxiety tries to creep in. God hears your request, and he has not forsaken you. “Be Careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made know to God.” Phil. 4:6 My prayer for you today is that you do not panic and give up on the promises of God. I pray that you always have a sound mind and a right spirit. Do not let your negative emotions take you to a place where you may miss what God will do in your time of famine. Continue to press toward the prize of the high calling. See yourself land on solid ground. Wait on the Lord and He will bring restoration, revelation, and refine your rusted path. Remember it is only a delay and not a denial! God’s promises for you are Yes and Amen!
By Minister Rochelle Lee Life Coach/Chaplain rocwatki August 14, 2023
Lamentations 3:22-23 King James Version “It is of The Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning, great is thy faithfulness. New beginnings means that you are allowing yourself to accept changes that might bring good things to you. New beginnings also means that you can know where you lacked in the past and use those examples of failures to create a success ladder for your future. Despise not the days of small things, and things that you felt you failed in. Everything in your life good or bad is important, and everything you go through matters to God. Behind Every Problem is a Promise. Your gifts will make room for you. The process may be painful now but let this be your pressing month. Stay focused on your mission and your goal to succeed. Remember that Success does not end with a period, but a comma, because it is in God’s timing not ours. He is Enlarging your Territory wait for it patiently and it shall come to pass. Walk Into Your Victorious New Beginning! This is your Month...And 2023 will be your year! It Is So. In Jesus Name. Amen!!
July 12, 2023
Graduation season has passed and summer has begun. It’s an exciting time as you embark on your journey to college, the world of work or some other form of training. Are you still somewhat undecided and need more clarity as you consider your next move? Whatever stage you are in, here are a few questions to help you think about what makes you come to life. What does it mean to find your passion? We have heard that phrase so often that it feels a bit cliché. According to Merriam Webster’s Dictionary, passion is a strong liking or desire for or devotion to an activity, object, or concept. Your passion comes from experience and may take time to develop. You have to engage in an activity in order to develop an attachment. Don’t be afraid to try new things and to step out of your comfort zone. The connection is in the doing and the action. How does that activity make you feel? Most times we enjoy work and activities that we are good at which is human nature. Passion evolves as you develop more skill, experience, and attachment. The questions below will help you gain a greater sense of self awareness. They are not all-inclusive and should be considered along with other sources to help you dig deep. Some of the questions are common and were created from a career development viewpoint. The work is generating the answers for yourself. In some cases, you may generate more questions than answers, but it’s a start. There is no magic here. Doing the work simply means being thoughtful, introspective, and focusing on your own self-awareness. It all comes from inside of you. Grab yourself a notebook and write it out. Putting your thoughts on paper is a form of a brain dump that helps you to get it out of your head. SELF AWARENESS… • Who Are You? • What is working well in your life? • What is not working well in your life? • What energizes you? • What excites you? • What are your strengths? (Top 3) • When you think about work, how do you want to feel? • How do you define meaningful work? INTERESTS AND ABILITIES… • What work comes easy to you? • What themes reoccur for you? • What do others compliment you on? • What problem do you solve? • How do you work best? • What do people thank you for? • What do people ask you for help with? • Whom would your work serve? As you ask yourself these questions, explore the difference between a passion and a hobby. A hobby is usually something fun or a creative outlet that may or may not pay the bills. Anything is possible but I encourage you to create a plan if you aspire to make your hobby your career. Spend some time evaluating all your responses to the questions. Do you see any reoccurring themes? What moves you? How would you describe your passion? Think about how your passion can contribute to society, earn a living, and transform into a job or career. All the best to you and enjoy the journey! If you need guidance, consider working with a career development professional. Angel 14 Foundation and Ministry is here to support you. Dr. Monique Johnson, a supporter of Angel 14 Foundation is a Career and Executive Coach who offers 30-minute complimentary calls if you need assistance. Click HERE to schedule.
June 4, 2023
Dylan Jones, our Angel #14 was a Firebird physically and spiritually. He moved on fields from the age of 7 like a bolt of lightning. Matthew 28:3 "His appearance was like Lightning, and his clothes were white as snow." The attached photo encouraged me to see him, running with the angels in Heaven, and sending a pleasant electrical discharge to cover us. His legacy continues to grow as we family and friends walk as he did for the ones that he came in contact with selflessly. Dylan left us all with this Charge as stated in Proverbs 27:17 "As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend." Angel 14 Foundation & Ministry is dedicated to providing support and resources to young people who need guidance for whatever their life challenge might be. As a Certified Life Coach/Minister I am encouraged to help individuals move past doubt, negativity, and to unlock their passions, potentials, as well as fulfill their life purpose. Dylan's legacy has charged me to be about our Heavenly Fathers business as he did with his calm graceful spirit. Dylan and I spoke briefly last June about his role in the ministry, not knowing what it would look like today June 2023 the launch of this Foundation in his memory details it all. I Accept The Charge!! What About You? Minister Rochelle Lee Life Enhancement Coach/Author
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